Finding Happiness in 2016

I was driving home over the holiday weekend and could see and hear the “happiness” on this local hill within our neighborhood.  We have been below the snowfall average this winter and the kids and their parents wasted no time making their own happiness when the flurries finally came.
Local children and their parents trying to break the land-speed record on a sled!

This made me think of happiness and what it is and how do you find it.  I felt like my 2015 was full of excitement and growth, but trying to make other people happy continued to fall short.  This sunny day watching the hill bombers helped me realize that people need to make their own happiness.  Only people themselves know what makes them happy.  Therefore, happiness come from within.

Wishing everyone a HAPPY 2016!!!
In 2016, my wish for everyone is to define what makes them happy.  Once you identify it, write it down somewhere where you can continuously see it.  Then, go out and make yourself happy!  I am not saying to ignore others, be selfish or hurt other people.  I am simple saying that as long as you are kind, gracious, respectful and transparent, you should find your happiness this year.  Remember in finding happiness you should always incorporate balance. (Family, faith, work, friends, etc.)  When you are happy, you will find that people around you are happy. 

May you have a blessed, safe and HAPPY 2016!

Note(s): What makes me happy? Growth and opportunity.  Let that ring through 2016 and beyond!
People that really made a great 2015 for me and that I am truly grateful for are Jesse McConaughey, Jeff Baines, Ben Rummel, Chad Shaffer, Tim Nesvig, Ken George, Amy Mishek, Connie Weigel, Michelle Kline, Christie Forciea, Tony Felling, Nick Curtis, Doc Olson, Thor and Eric Bjorklund. Those that I missed... you know who you are and know that I truly care for you.


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